ASME 섹션 VIII 디비전 2

원래 가격: $560.00.현재 가격: $392.00.

ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section VIII Division 2: Alternative Rules

2023 에디션

ASME International 발행, 07/01/2023

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This Division of ASME Section VIII provides requirements applicable to the design, fabrication, inspection, testing, and certification of pressure vessels operating at either internal or external pressures exceeding 15 psig. Such vessels may be fired or unfired. This pressure may be obtained from an external source or by the application of heat from a direct or indirect source, or any combination thereof.

These rules provide an alternative to the minimum requirements for pressure vessels under ASME 섹션 VIII 디비전 1 rules. In comparison to Division 1, Division 2 requirements on materials, design, and nondestructive examination are more rigorous; however, higher design stress intensify values are permitted.

ASME Section VIII Division 2 rules cover only vessels to be installed in a fixed location for a specific service where operation and maintenance control is retained during the useful life of the vessel by the user who prepares or causes to be prepared the design specifications. These rules may also apply to human occupancy pressure vessels typically in the diving industry. Rules pertaining to the use of the U2 and UV ASME Product Certification Marks are also included.

What are the key changes for ASME Section VIII Div 2 2023?

  • Part 2 has been revised to remove Certifying Engineers for Class 2 Design-by-Rule (DBR) applications. This action will eliminate conflicts with international engineering registration requirements for the majority of applications.
  • Part 4.18 has been realigned and revised for consistency between the heat exchanger types. The shell and channel coefficients have been revised and are now based on the mean diameter instead of the inside diameter, which is consistent with PTB-7.
  • Paragraph, Category F, Locations, has been added in order to assign a common joint category to tube-to-tubesheet welds
  • Paragraph 5.4, Protection against failure from buckling, has been completely re-written and a new table of load cases, Table 5.8, has been added.
  • Paragraph and Table 5.10 have been revised and now provide a quick-and-simple method to screen components in cyclic service, eliminating the need for a full-fatigue analysis
  • Revised the “PRT” designator to “PRT VIII-1” throughout ASME Section VIII Div 2.


2023 에디션

게시 날짜

2023년 7월 1일


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