ASME Section III Division 4


ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section III Division 4: Fusion Energy Devices

2023 에디션

ASME International 발행, 07/01/2023

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This Division of Section III is new to 2023 and provides requirements for the construction of fusion energy devices. These requirements cover fusion-energy-related components such as vacuum vessels, cryostats, superconducting magnet structures, and the interactions of these components. Related support structures, including metallic and nonmetallic materials, containment or confinement structures, and in-vessel components, such as fusion-system piping, vessels, valves, pumps, and supports, are also covered. The rules also contain requirements for materials, design, fabrication, testing, examination, inspection, certification, and stamping.

What are the key changes for ASME BPVC Section III Division 4 2023?

  • 2023 is the first edition of ASME Section III Division 4. It is expected that the global fusion community will continue to develop these requirements based on lessons learned from the evolution of fusion-power technologies and experiences.


2023 에디션

게시 날짜

2023년 7월 1일


활성, 최신

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