ASME 코드 사례 BPV

원래 가격: $550.00.현재 가격: $385.00.

ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code – Code Cases: Boilers and Pressure Vessels

2023 에디션

ASME International 발행, 07/01/2023

PDF 형식 검색 가능 인쇄 가능 북마크


BPVC Code Cases: Boilers and Pressure Vessels provides code cases related to BPVC Section I, BPVC Section IV, BPVC Section V, BPVC Section VIII, BPVC Section X , BPVC Section XII.

Code Cases are approved exceptions or alternatives to Code rules. They include specific requirements that, when fully and correctly implemented, help users achieve continued quality and safety. Code Cases are not mandatory but may be used for Code compliance by any user. The majority of Code Cases involve new materials, but many introduce new technologies and concepts, such as nondestructive examination and welding processes, updated design and fabrication methods, and streamlined rules for inspection and quality assurance. Because of their leading-edge content and timely issuance, Code Cases can be an invaluable resource for ASME Code users.

BPVC Code Cases

Boilers and Pressure Vessels provides code cases related to BPVC Section I, BPVC Section IV, BPVC Section V, BPVC Section VIII, BPVC Section X , BPVC Section XII.


2023 에디션

게시 날짜

2023년 7월 1일


활성, 최신

문서 언어




페이지 수



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