ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section III Division 1: Appendices
ASME Section III Division 1, Subsection Appendices – This Subsection contains appendices, both mandatory and nonmandatory for Section III, Division 1 (Subsection NCA through NG) and Division 2, including a listing of design and design analysis methods and information, and Data Report Forms. These appendices are referenced by and are an integral part of Subsection NCA through NG and Division 2.
What are the key changes for ASME Section III Division 1, Subsection Appendices 2023?
- Mandatory Appendices XI, XII, and L have been revised to extend the applicability to ASMEセクションIIIディビジョン5, Subsection HC, Subpart B.
- Mandatory Appendix XIII-1223 has been revised and updated to address the International Engineering Alliance and the European Federation of National Engineering Associations concerning the Certifying Engineer.
- Mandatory Appendix XXVIII was developed to allow for the usage of Powdered Metal/Hot Isostatic Pressing (PM/HIP) advance manufacturing for the production of items made from 316L SS as one Process Method.
- Nonmandatory Appendix G-2223 has been revised to clarify toughness requirements for nozzles and to provide methods that may be used for external loads, thermal loads, and internal pressure, as currently addressed.
- Mandatory Appendix XXVI has been revised and updated to include sidewall fusion, fittings, volumetric examination, and Code Case N-891.
改訂 | 2023年版 |
公開日 | 2023年7月1日 |
ステータス | アクティブ、最新 |
文書言語 | 英語 |
出版社 | アメリカ機械学会 |
ページ数 | 743 |