ASME PTB-4-2021


Section VIII-Division 1 Example Problem Manual

2021 Edition

Published by ASME International, 01/15/2022

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ASME PTB-4 is a technical report published by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), with the full title “ASME PTB-4-2019 Guidance for ASME Section VIII Division 2 Bellows Expansion Joint Design.” This report provides guidance for the design of bellows expansion joints in ASME Section VIII Division 2.

Here is a brief overview of some key features and content of ASME PTB-4:

  1. Scope: The report primarily addresses the design of bellows expansion joints in ASME Section VIII Division 2. These expansion joints are commonly used in pressure vessels, pipelines, and equipment to absorb thermal expansion caused by temperature changes, vibrations, or other factors.
  2. Design Guidelines: PTB-4 offers detailed guidelines on the design of bellows expansion joints, covering aspects such as material selection, stress assessment, fatigue analysis, welding, and testing. This helps engineers follow standards and specifications when designing and evaluating bellows expansion joints.
  3. Application Areas: The content of the report is mainly applicable to industrial applications involving high temperatures, high pressures, hazardous media, or other challenging environments. Proper design of bellows expansion joints is crucial for ensuring the safety and reliability of equipment.
  4. Updates: The version of PTB-4 may be periodically updated to reflect the latest technologies and industry standards. Engineers should ensure they use the latest version when applying the report to meet current requirements and standards.

It’s important to note that specific technical specifications and guidelines may change over time, so in practical applications, engineers should refer to the latest version of ASME PTB-4 to ensure compliance with the most recent standards and specifications.

Here is a brief overview of some key features and content of ASME PTB-4

2021 Edition


July 15, 2022











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