ASME III. szakasz NG alszakasz

Az eredeti ár: $360.00.A jelenlegi ár: $252.00.

ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section III Division 1, Subsection NG: Core Support Structures

2023-as kiadás

Kiadja az ASME International, 2023.07.01.07.

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ASME Section III, Division 1, Subsection NG – This Subsection contains requirements for the material, design, fabrication and examination required in the manufacture and installation of core support structures. Core support structures are those structures or parts of structures which are designed to provide direct support or restraint of the core (fuel & blanket assemblies) within the reactor pressure vessel.

What are the key changes for ASME BPVC Section III, Division 1, Subsection NG 2023?

  • NF-1000, NF -2000, NF -3000, Table NF-D, and Appendix NF-E have been revised for the addition of requirements for energy absorbers. Energy absorbing devices have not been fully defined prior to the noted revision.
  • NF-2321.2 has been revised to remove requirement to use full-size test specimens, and test-specimen requirements were adjusted to be in accordance with SA-370.
  • NF-3300 has been revised to reflect applicable requirements, for austenitic stainless-steel design, found in AISC Design Guide 27.
  • NF-5540 has been developed to permit the use of CP-189 as an acceptable nondestructive examination (NDE) personnel qualification standard. Section III, previously required qualification of examiners only to SNT-TC-1A, while Section XI, requires personnel qualification per CP-189.


2023-as kiadás

Megjelent dátum

július 1, 2023


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