ASME XII. szakasz

Az eredeti ár: $370.00.A jelenlegi ár: $259.00.

ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section XII: Rules for Construction and Continued Service of Transport Tanks

2023-as kiadás

Kiadja az ASME International, 2023.07.01.07.

PDF formátum Kereshető Nyomtatható Könyvjelzők


ASME Section XII covers requirements for construction and continued service of pressure vessels for the transportation of dangerous goods via highway, rail, air, or water at pressures from full vacuum to 3,000 psig and volumes greater than 120 gallons.

“Construction” is an all-inclusive term comprising materials, design, fabrication, examination, inspection, testing, certification, and over-pressure protection.

“Continued service” is an all-inclusive term referring to inspection, testing, repair, alteration, and recertification of a transport tank was in service.

This Section contains modal appendices containing requirements for vessels used in specific transport modes and service applications.

What are the key changes for ASME BPVC Section XII 2023?

  • TG-110.2(a) has been revised from 3,000 to 2,000 psig to align with the upper limit in Modal Appendix 4.
  • Paragraph TD-320 has been added to address quick actuating devices. It will reference ASME VIII. szakasz 1. divízió, UG-35.2 and Nonmandatory Appendix FF.
  • Model Appendix 1, Article 2, Paragraph 1-2.1(c) has been revised to correct the minimum set pressure to 110% of MAWP or 3.3 psi, whichever is greater.
  • TOP-170(a) has been revised to outline that the pressure relief device shall communicate with the vapor space of the vessel, and the requirement for 450L (120 gal) has been removed since it is no longer applicable.


2023-as kiadás

Megjelent dátum

július 1, 2023


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